Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is Kitchen Hood Cleaning So Important?

In addition to the fire hazards associated with kitchen exhaust system, the Health Department, Fire Department and Insurance carriers, require that kitchen hoods be frequently cleaned and well maintained at all times.

How Often Should Our Restaurant Hood Exhaust System Be Cleaned?

The NFPA-96 (Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations), requires the following:

ANNUALLY – Non-regular use systems (e.g., seasonal operations)

SEMI-ANNUALLY – Low-volume systems (e.g., pizza oven, pasta cooker) • QUARTERLY – Mid/High-volume systems (e.g., fryer, wok, grill)

MONTHLY – Systems utilizing solid fuel (e.g., wood, charcoal)

If my restaurant employees clean the hood and exhaust system, why should you come and do the work instead?

Restaurant workers should not be expected to know exactly what parts and areas of the hood exhaust system need to be cleaned as they are not certified to service and clean such. There are areas in the system or nearby systems which are not visible and can be damaged.

Exhaust systems need proper “top to bottom” cleaning of the motor, roof ducts with a combination use of chemical, scrapping and steam washing. Coastal 365 has a strong understanding of NFPA 96 requirements which guidelines stipulate that “outside certified provider shall clean the system”

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